UAI102 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II

2 ECTS - 2-0 Duration (T+A)- 2. Semester- 2 National Credit


Code UAI102
Name Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II
Semester 2. Semester
Duration (T+A) 2-0 (T-A) (17 Week)
National Credit 2 National Credit
Teaching Language Türkçe
Level Lisans Dersi
Type Normal
Mode of study Uzaktan Öğretim
Catalog Information Coordinator Doç. Dr. ERDEM ÇANAK

Course Goal

To teach the foundation and development of Modern Turkey. To give the right information about Ataturks way of thinking, Turkish Republic History, Turkey and some factors threatening the applications of Ataturks way of thinking. Educate Turkish youth as regards to Ataturks way of thinking which offers an absolute unity at home as a system including all cultural components of Turkish country. To raise rationalist, contemporary, humanist, hardworking, and honourable youngsters.

Course Content

The declaration of the Republic The importance of the leader and the staff in the revolution Constitutional solutions to the problems related to the Lausanne Conference The participation of Turkey in pacts and in international organizations Reactions to the new governmental structure Trials in the multi party system The Home and foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey Atatürk s foreign policy to inspire confidence in the future of Turkey Kemalism the Principles of Atatürk

Course Precondition



Y.Ö.K.(Komisyon ), Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi I / 1 , Ankara, 1989 Ders Notları Can, Aydın,. Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi Ders Notları, Adana 2014 Önerilen Kaynaklar -ATATÜRK, Gazi Mustafa Kemal, Nutuk(Söylev), İstanbul, 1980 - Atatürk'ün Söylev ve Demeçleri I-II, III., Ankara, 1989 - Atatürk'ün Tamim, Telgraf ve Beyannameleri IV, Ankara 1991 -Yalçın ,Durmuş vd., Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi I, Ankara 2002


Widmann Horst, Atatürk ve Üniversite Reformu çev. Aykut Kazancıgil, Serpil Bozkurt, Kabalcı yayınevi. Lewis Bernard, Modern Türkiye'nin Doğuşu

Course Learning Outcomes

Order Course Learning Outcomes
LO01 Has general information about recent history of Turkey.
LO02 Has an understanding about the foundation phylosophy and main principles of Turkish Republic
LO03 Has general information about the main events of the 20th century that affected our world today and leanrs about the conditions that has paved the way to the existing circumstances.
LO04 Has necessary understanding of the development of democracy in Turkey.
LO05 Has information about international problems of Turkey and their reasons
LO06 Is able to compare the conditions of past and present.

Relation with Program Learning Outcome

Order Type Program Learning Outcomes Level
PLO01 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Has sufficient theoretical knowledge in Computer Aided Design and Animation.
PLO02 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Students will be able to use theoretical and practical knowledge gained in Computer Aided Design and Animation.
PLO03 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Performs necessary design and laboratory studies in Computer Aided Design and Animation.
PLO04 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Use office programs and professional computer programs.
PLO05 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Knows the concepts of design and animation. Have knowledge about basic design and animation and make basic applications.
PLO06 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Makes animations with basic animation methods
PLO07 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Makes designs with two-dimensional design methods
PLO08 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Makes designs with three-dimensional design methods
PLO09 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal can design Web pages.
PLO10 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Using basic theoretical knowledge about Modeling Techniques in applied fields.
PLO11 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Have basic theoretical knowledge about Internet Technology and design dynamic web pages.
PLO12 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Have basic theoretical knowledge about Image Processing Techniques and use practical knowledge.
PLO13 Yetkinlikler - Bağımsız Çalışabilme ve Sorumluluk Alabilme Yetkinliği The organization acts in accordance with Business and Social Ethical Values,
PLO14 Yetkinlikler - Öğrenme Yetkinliği Have the ability to analyze, interpret and evaluate information related to the field
PLO15 Beceriler - Bilişsel, Uygulamalı Demonstrates Understanding of Continuity of Learning Requirement, 4
PLO16 Beceriler - Bilişsel, Uygulamalı Possess theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resource on basic level based on qualifications gained at secondary education level. 3
PLO17 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal Develop solutions to the problems encountered by using the basic knowledge and skills acquired in the field.
PLO18 Bilgi - Kuramsal, Olgusal akes responsibility as a team member to solve complex unforeseen problems encountered in applications related to her field.
PLO19 Beceriler - Bilişsel, Uygulamalı Direct your education to a further education level in the same field or a profession of the same level 3

Week Plan

Week Topic Preparation Methods
1 The Strategy of the Turkish Revolution To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
2 Revolutions in the Political Field To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
3 Attempts to Step Into the Multi Party System and the Results To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
4 Establishment of Turkish Law System To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
5 Establishment of Turkish Education System and Culture To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
6 Revolutions in the Economic Sphere To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
7 Social and Health Revolutions To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
8 Mid-Term Exam Ölçme Yöntemleri:
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9 Foreign Policy in Atatürk Period I (1923 1930) To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
10 Foreign Policy in Atatürk Period II (1930- 1938) To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
11 Atatürks Principles I Republicanism, Nationalism, Populism To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
12 Atatürks Principles II Secularism, Statism, Revolutionism To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
13 Internal and External Developments After Atatürk (1938-1960) To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
14 Internal and External Developments After Atatürk (1960-2000) To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
15 Geopolitics and the Geopolitical Situation of Turkey To be prepared to related subject from advised source Öğretim Yöntemleri:
16 Term Exams am preparation Ölçme Yöntemleri:
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17 Term Exams am preparation Ölçme Yöntemleri:
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Student Workload - ECTS

Works Number Time (Hour) Workload (Hour)
Course Related Works
Class Time (Exam weeks are excluded) 14 2 28
Out of Class Study (Preliminary Work, Practice) 14 1 14
Assesment Related Works
Homeworks, Projects, Others 0 0 0
Mid-term Exams (Written, Oral, etc.) 1 4 4
Final Exam 1 8 8
Total Workload (Hour) 54
Total Workload / 25 (h) 2,16