Biyoteknoloji (İngilizce) (Disiplinlerarası)

Doktora Programı - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü

2024 - 2025 Yılı Ders Planı

. Yarıyıl

Kod Ad Süre (T+U) AKTS Yerel Kredi Z/S
BYEBTE3 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics 3-0 6 3 Zorunlu
BYEBTE4 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics 3-0 6 3 Zorunlu
DBTE801 Special Area Course 5-0 6 0 Zorunlu
DBTE802 Special Area Course 5-0 6 5 Zorunlu
DBTES801 Seminar 0-0 6 0 Zorunlu
DBTES802 Seminar 0-0 6 0 Zorunlu
DBTET801 Thesis Work 0-0 24 0 Zorunlu
DBTET802 Thesis Work 0-0 24 0 Zorunlu
BTE0010 Soil Biotechnology 2-2 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE0011 Industrial Applications of Biomining 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE0012 Biosensors 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
BTE0013 Cheese Technology 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE0014 Utilization of Milk and Dairy Products Wastes by Biotechnological Methods 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE0015 Applications of bioinformatics-I 3-2 6 4 Seçmeli
BTE0016 Applications of bioinformatics-II 3-2 6 4 Seçmeli
BTE0017 Animal Cell Culture Applications-I 2-0 6 2 Seçmeli
BTE0018 Animal Cell Culture Applications-II 2-0 6 2 Seçmeli
BTE0040 Packaging Technology 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE0041 Lactic Acid Bacteria Starter Cultures and Prebiotics, Probiotics and Postbiotics 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE0051 Biotechnological Drugs and New Approaches in the Treatment of Diseases 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE0053 Biosimilar Medicines and Biotechnology 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE0054 Targeted Therapies and Biotechnology 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE006 Nutrigenomics in Farm Animals 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE007 Biomarkers in Ruminant Nutrition 3-0 5 3 Seçmeli
BTE008 Enzymes: Principles and Biotechnological Applications 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli
BTE009 Biotechnology of Treatment of Food Industry Wastes 3-0 6 3 Seçmeli