Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Engıneerıng

General Information

The department of Electrical and Electronics engineering was established in the year 1987 with an intention to provide graduate and undergraduate programs in various disciplines. The graduate and undergraduate programs were started in the fall semester of 1989 and 1990, respectively. The language of teaching is English for both undergraduate and graduate programs.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The program has been designed to provide a contemporary Electrical and Electronic engineering education, and is composed of four years. The courses in the first year mainly consist of general physics, chemistry, and mathematics to bring the knowledge level of students with different backgrounds to a standard level. Compulsory courses are given in the second and third years (two non-technical elective courses have been added to each semesters of the third year). The fourth year curriculum includes elective courses, and a graduation thesis that is compulsory (two non-technical elective courses have been added to each semesters of the fourth year).

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 13.05.2024 10:30