Associate Degree - Adana Vocatıonal School

General Information

Child Development Program aims at training intermediate staff for both state and private sectors, who can also start his/her own business. Thus, the program contributes to the schooling rates in pre-school area and provide the area with trained qualified staff. Child Development Program first admitted students in 2003-2004 Education Year under evening education; in 2011-2012 started distant training program and in 2015-2016 Education year it admitted students under daytime education. There are two teaching assistant at the Child Development Program.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

2 Year - 120 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The aim of Child Development Program is to present a contemporary education to the students with its lifelong learning mottos and in accordance with the necessities of business life. In this sense, it’s aimed at training the students who can apply his/her knowledge on business and private life; can develop social projects for his/her immediate surrounding; can follow the recent improvements; can produce creative ideas and solutions to the problems.

Mode of Study

Full Time
Update Time: 06.05.2024 11:14