Academic Guidance for Bachelors

Before the academic year starts, The Board of Directors of the corresponding unit assigns an academic advisor for each student with the suggestion of the chair of the academic unit. Academic advisors are supposed to guide students for academic problems they might encounter during their education, and they are assigned among faculty members and/or other instructors of the department when there is no/less faculty member available. The university senate describes responsibilities of the academic advisors.

Academic Guidance for Graduate students

For master’s degrees, by getting the opinion of the students, Academic Unit Board of Directors at the institute offers a reasoned proposal for designation of a faculty member as an academic advisor for a graduate student. Institute Board of Directors evaluates the offers and assigns an academic advisor for each graduate student at the beginning of the first semester. When needed, the Institute Board of Directors may change the academic advisor of a graduate student with another faculty member in accordance with the reasoned offer of the Academic Unit Board of Directors and opinion of the current advisor. It is possible to assign a secondary thesis advisor when the nature of the thesis work requires it. The assignment of the secondary advisor follows the same procedure with the assignment of the academic advisor.

For non- thesis programs, Academic Unit Board of Directors offers an academic advisor for each student at the beginning of the first year. The academic advisor is responsible on guiding each student for course selection at the completion of theoretical course work and directing their term project. S/he is assigned by the Institute Board of Directors among faculty members or other instructors in accordance with the Senate’s criteria. When needed, the board might change the advisor according to the reasoned offer of the Academic Unit Board of Directors and opinion of the current advisor.

Career Center

“Çukurova University Career Planning, Researching and Application Center” aims at advising students on their career goals at the beginning of their college education by offering job opportunities, and improving communication between students, graduates, employers and faculty about employment and entrepreneurship. The center also offers career counseling to candidate students as well as current students and graduates.