1 |
Infection and the immune system, microorganisms of transmission and the mechanism of infection, bacterial infections, pathologies, acute phase
Preparatory work for the course 1
2 |
Meningitis, viral, bacterial, mycobacterial infections, pathology, neonatal infections, tuberculosis, brucellosis, leprosy, leptospirosis, typhoid fever,
Preparatory work for the course 2
3 |
Otitis media, terasiklinler and chloramphenicol, and the sensitivity of detection of antibiotic susceptibility testing, antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis, viral diseases
Preparatory work for the course 3
4 |
The epidemiology of HIV, childhood and adult HIV, parasitic diseases, pathology, transmission and diagnosis, transmission routes of ectoparasites
Preparatory work for the course 4
5 |
"Infectious diseases theoretical and practical course board exams
The origin and development of blood cells, bone marrow hemopoiesis and control, and clinical significance of stem cells, hematopoietic growth factors, and pathology of the basic functions of the RES, spleen pathology, general description and classification of anemia, abnormal hemoglobins, blood biochemistry porphyries, porphyries, normocytic anemia, hemoglobinopathies, methehoglobinemiler, vitamin K, normal blood values ??in the newborn hmatolojik problems, thalassemia, hematologic problems, approaches and diagnostic methods.
Family Medicine Practices"
Preparatory work for the course 5
6 |
Eritrositozlar, hemolytic status, chronic diseases, anemia, paraproteinemias, iron metabolism disorders, iron deficiency anamisi, hemochromatosis, RES pathology, iron metebolizma disorder, medications, blood biochemistry, erythrocyte metabolism disorders, hereditary and acquired hemolytic anemia, macrocytic anemia, anemia drugs used megalobastik, thrombophilia, thrombocytopenia, hemostasis, pathophysiology, and antitrombolitik antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulants, ability to perform lumbar puncture, family medicine practices
Preparatory work for the course 6
7 |
Eritrositozlar, hemolytic status, chronic diseases, anemia, paraproteinemias, iron metabolism disorders, iron deficiency anamisi, hemochromatosis, RES pathology, iron metebolizma disorder, medications, blood biochemistry, erythrocyte metabolism disorders, hereditary and acquired hemolytic anemia, macrocytic anemia, anemia drugs used megalobastik, thrombophilia, thrombocytopenia, hemostasis, pathophysiology, and antitrombolitik antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulants, ability to perform lumbar puncture, family medicine practices
Preparatory work for the course 7
8 |
Tatil |
9 |
"Transfusion principles, indications, complications, blood banking and transfusion medicine, current practices, Hodgkin´s and non-Hodgkin´s lymphoma and radiotherapy, nuclear medicine hemoatolojide other lymphoproliferative diseases, antineoplastic drugs.
Case discussion
Artificial Lumbar Puncture skill,
Practical Examination of Committee "
Preparatory work for the course 9
10 |
"Theoretical Examination Committee
Introduction to the cardiovascular system, lipoprotein metabolism, biochemical mekanzimalar the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, endocarditis, sympathomimetics, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, the development of risk factors and epidemiology, and the circulation of body fluids, the effects of each other by the coronary circulation, coronary artery disease, stable angina pectoris, atherosclerosis pathology, hypolipidemic drugs.
Family Medicine Practice."
Preparatory work for the course 10
11 |
"NO donors and inhibitors, antianginal drugs, ECG, ECG characteristics of children, valvular heart disease, coronary artery disease, acute coronary syndromes, myocardial infarction pathology, beta-receptor blockers darenerjik, arrhythmias, antiarrhythmic drugs, pericarditis, pericardial disease pathology, regulation of blood pressure and hypertension, etiology of heart failure in children, antihypertensive drugs, and miypkardit cardiomyopathies, myocardial infarction pathology.
Atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.
Family Medicine Practice."
Preparatory work for the course 11
12 |
"Acute rheumatic fever, diseases of endocardium and valve group, pathology, pathology of congenital heart disease, cyanotic and acyanotic congenital heart disease in the neonate and adult congenital heart disease, congenital heart disease, pathology, heart failure, pregnancy and heart disease, sympatolytics venous system diseases, cardiac diagnosis methods of drugs used in heart failure, peripheral artery disease, biochemical parameters in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory pathophysiology, respiratory defense mechanisms of the upper respiratory tumors, hoarseness, and diagnostic agents of bacterial diseases transmitted through the respiratory tract, the respiratory tract factors and viral diseases transmitted by diagnosis, pathology of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Physical examination (heart and respiratory examination) skills.
Pharmacology lab.
Life support course"
Preparatory work for the course 12
13 |
"Pneumonia, pneumonia pathology, childhood pneumonia, pulmonary vascular disease, pleural diseases, respiratory pharmacology, pulmonary hypertension and chronic cor pulmonale, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchiectasis, sleep-related breathing disorder, childhood tuberculosis, bacteriological diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, adult asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, pathology, nuclear medicine applications, circulatory and respiratory diseases, allergic respiratory diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, bronchodilators,
Basic Life Support Course.
Family Medicine Practice."
Preparatory work for the course 13
14 |
"Lung pathology of tumors of the pleura, the role of radiotherapy in lung cancer. respiratory failure, respiratory failure in children, obstructive pulmonary disease pathology, occupational diseases, meslekçevresel lung disease, pneumoconiosis, pneumonia, emphysema-bronchiectasis, lung tumors, interstitial lung diseases, smoking cessation methods, circulatory-respiratory system, radiology-1, 2,3.
Basic Life Support Course.
Family Medicine Practice.
Practical Examination Committee"
Preparatory work for the course 14 |
15 |
"Theoretical Examination Committee.
Functions of the digestive system. functions in the newborn gastrointestinal tract, and general concepts of pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system, motor abnormalities of the esophagus, esophagitis, and corrosive burns to the esophagus, mouth, and face approach, the principles of congenital anomalies, pathology of the mouth and esophagus, salivary glands pathology, and diaphragmatic hernia hiatus, bening and malignant diseases of the esophagus , gastritis and gastropathy, peptic ulcer disease, ulcerous lesions of the stomach, and digestive system, drugs that affect the medications used in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, gastric tumors, pathology of tumors of the stomach.
Breast Examination Skills.
Pharmacology LAB"
Preparatory work for the course 15
16 |
"Prostaglandins, Parasympatholytics, abdominal pain, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, small bowel pathology absorption and circulatory disorders, inflammatory diseases and tumors of the small intestine. mouth, salivary glands, and esophageal pathology, pathology of gastric ulcers and tumors, primary malabsorption diseases, and the sprue, malabsorption secondary to the disease and protein-losing enteropathy, histamine and serotonin antagonists, which malabsorption of childhood diseases, emetic and anti-emetics, the digestive system transmitted infectious agents and the diagnosis of acute abdominal pain, ileus, ulcerative colitis, Crohn´s disease, inflammatory diseases of the colon, hernia, acute appendicitis, poisoning approach.
Basic Life Support Course.
Family Medicine Practice."
Preparatory work for the course 16
17 |
"Gastrointestinal allergies, biochemical changes in amino acid metabolism, gastrointestinal diverticular disease, gastrointestinal polyps, colitis, irritable bowel disease, spastic colon and rectal tumors, colon tumors, antidiarrheal drugs, lower gastrointestinal bleeding, parasympathomimetics, anoraktal diseases, the basic principles of nutrition in childhood, childhood the age of eating disorders, viral factors and diagnosis of neonatal congenital and metabolic liver diseases, metabolic disorders in newborns, epidemiology and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, jaundice, pathophysiology, medications, and liver diseases, neonatal metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, epidemiology and prevention, drugs, and liver and NASH alcoholic liver disease, liver function tests in childhood and familial congenital jaundice, acute - toxic hepatitis, laxative and purgative drugs.
Breast examination skills.
Pharmacology Laboratory.
Small and large intestine pathology (PAT) LAB3-4.
Family Medicine Practice."
Preparatory work for the course 17
18 |
"Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, kraciğer disorders of mineral metabolism.
LAB5 (PAT) - Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver pathology
LaB6 (PAT) - Liver and gallbladder pathology of tumors
LAB (PAT) - Pathology freelance work.
Cystic diseases of the liver, and abscesses. Intoxication organisms, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatorenal syndrome, cirrhosis of the liver pathology, portal hypertension, cholestasis and primary biliary cirrhosis, liver tumors, anthelmintic drugs, crowns, hepatitis, liver tumors, pathology, acute pancreatitis, gallstones and cholecystitis, gall bladder and biliary tract tumors .
Case discussion."
Preparatory work for the course 18
19 |
"Familial Mediterranean Fever and porphyria, gallbladder pathology, pathology of the pancreas, pancreatic tumors, digestive system, radiology panel.
Practical Examination Committee.
Theoretical Examination Committee.
Introduction to the endocrine system, endocrine pancreas and diabetes pathology, diseases of the pituitary gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, disease pathology, thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus.
Family Medicine Practice."
Preparatory work for the course
20 |
"Childhood diabetes, childhood hypoglycemia, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy and other retinal vascular diseases.
Independent Study.
Gynecological examination and skill Gbe.
Pharmacology Laboratory.
The parathyroid disease, adrenal gland disease, biochemical measurement of thyroid function, thyroid disease pathology.
LAB1 (PAT) - Pathology of the endocrine system
LAB2 (PAT) - Pathology of the endocrine system
LAB3 (PAT) - cervix, corpus uteri pathology
Adrenal disease pathology, childhood diseases, adrenal gland, adrenal biochemical measurement functions, the endocrine system farmokolojisine entrance, pituitary dwarfism, and other causes of short stature, growth, evaluation, development, evaluation, corticosteroids, and antagonists, adolescent-pubertal, pubertal disorders in childhood hypothyroidism, calcium drugs that affect the balance of insulin and oral antidiabetics, nuclear endocrinology (NCT)."
Preparatory work for the course 20
21 |
"Developmental genetics, gender, genetic control, Pathology of the vulva and vagina, cervix uteri pathology of disease, breast disease, breast disease pathology, pathology of the cervix and corpus uteri, ovarian pathology, mem pathology, drugs that affect the uterine smooth muscle, endometrium, endometrial disease pathophysiology and functional, ovarian pathophysiology, biochemical measurement of gonadal functions, menstrual cycle disorders, estrogen and progestins, and genito-urinary system changes that occur with aging, sexual dysfunction, placental development and function, fetal development, birth NORML.
Gynecological examination and skill to conceive.
Pharmacology Laboratory.
Family Medicine Practice."
Preparatory work for the course 21
22 |
Yarı Yıl Tatili |
23 |
Yarı Yıl Tatili |
24 |
"Monitoring of pregnancy (antenatal examination) and frequent complaints, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy and infection.
Basic Life Support Course.
Radiotherapy in breast and gynecologic cancers, hypertensive diseases of pregnancy, Rh immunization, anabolic steroids and antiadrojenik drugs.
Basic Life Support Course.
Thyroid dysfunction drugs, placental pathology and gestational trophoblastic disease, post-partum hemorrhage, and puerperal infection puerperium.
LAB8 (PAT) - Breast Pathology
LAB9 (PAT) - Placental pathology
Free operation pathology laboratory.
Monitoring the biochemical changes of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, the clinical approach, factors and diagnosis of sexually transmitted bacterial infection, a sexually transmitted virus infection factors and diagnosis, and the diagnosis of congenital infectious viruses, the epidemiology of sexually transmitted disease.
Case Discussion"
Preparatory work for the course 24
25 |
"Venereal diseases, pathology, gynecologic cancer diagnosis yöntemlri, contraception, oral contraceptives, tetsis physiology, diseases of the testis.
Practice Exam
Theoretical Examination.
Fonkisyonel kidney anatomy and function, acid-base balance and disorders, and disorders of sodium and water metabolism in children, fluid and electrolyte balance, acid-base balance, and fluid and electrolyte disorders, drugs, congenital anomalies of the urinary tract, potassium metabolism disorders, glomerulonephritis causes and clinical features, renal tubular acidosis in children, nephrotic syndrome pathogenesis, and clinical reasons."
Preparatory work for the course 25
26 |
"The pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis, kidney, endocrine functions and disorders, edema, pathogenesis and causes, pathogenesis, and causes of proteinuria, glomerulonephritis, pathology, and clinical causes of acute and chronic nephritis tubulointertisyel.
Basic Life Support Course.
LAB1 (PAT) - Glomerulonephritis
LAB2 (PAT) - Glomerulonephritis
Tubulointertisyel pathogenesis of the disease, nephrotoxicity and dose adjustment of drugs in adults, acute renal failure in childhood acute renal failure, nephrotic syndrome in childhood.
Pharmacology Laboratory.
Kidney function tests and urine analysis, diuretics.
Family Medicine Practice."
Preparatory work for the course 26
27 |
"Chronic renal failure pathophysiology and clinical features, pathogenesis, and causes of hematuria, uremic bone disease, nephropathy diyabeteik pathophysiology, urinary obstruction, urinary tract stone disease, urinary tract infection, and diagnostic agents, genito-urinary bacteria and diagnosis of infectious agents, urinary tract infections, tuberculosis üriener system, children with urinary tract infections, kidney, ureter, bladder pathologies, pathologies of the prostate.
Pathology freelance work.
Reflux nephropathy, pathophysiology, and clinical pathophysiology of hypertension, hypertension in childhood hypertension, renal vascular disease, pathology, urinary antiseptics, urinary bladder, urethra, ureter disease, prostatic hyperplasia and cancer, bladder, urethra, ureter, pathology, testicular and prostate disease pathology.
Pharmacology Laboratory.
Case Discussion.
Family Medicine Practices (Make-up)"
Preparatory work for the course 27
28 |
"Chronic renal failure pathophysiology and clinical features, pathogenesis, and causes of hematuria, uremic bone disease, nephropathy diyabeteik pathophysiology, urinary obstruction, urinary tract stone disease, urinary tract infection, and diagnostic agents, genito-urinary bacteria and diagnosis of infectious agents, urinary tract infections, tuberculosis üriener system, children with urinary tract infections, kidney, ureter, bladder pathologies, pathologies of the prostate.
Pathology freelance work.
Reflux nephropathy, pathophysiology, and clinical pathophysiology of hypertension, hypertension in childhood hypertension, renal vascular disease, pathology, urinary antiseptics, urinary bladder, urethra, ureter disease, prostatic hyperplasia and cancer, bladder, urethra, ureter, pathology, testicular and prostate disease pathology.
Pharmacology Laboratory.
Case Discussion.
Family Medicine Practices (Make-up)"
Preparatory work for the course 28
29 |
"The basic concepts of neurological diseases (pyramidal, cerebellar, sensory systems) approach to the patient with neurologic symptoms, optical and oculomotor disorders saistem.
Basic Life Support Course.
Cranial nerve diseases, and disorders of consciousness, diagnosis and classification of mental disorders and Epidemiology, the patient-physician relationship, strabismus in children ryhsal development, higher cerebral functions of the central nervous system, congenital malformations, congenital spinal and cranial abnormalities, intracranial hypertension, psychiatric symptoms, and the basic concepts, head trauma, dementia, the cerebrospinal fluid biochemistry.
Family Medicine Practices (Make-up)"
Preparatory work for the course 29
30 |
"Molecular genetics of neurodegenerative diseases, degenerative diseases of the nervous system santarla, ischemic cerebrovascular disease, mental retardation, CNS drugs, login, cerebrovascular pathology, SAK and vascular pathologies, psychosis, nevrozkavramı and separations, cerebellar system disorders, childhood and adolescent psychopathology input ""children´s rights"" 0-4 years preschool psychopathology ""child abuse"", aphasia, general anesthetics, mood disorders, antidepressant drugs, epilepsy, childhood convulsions, antiepileptic drugs, organic mental disorders.
Family Medicine Practices (Make-up)"
Preparatory work for the course 30
31 |
"Demyelinating diseases, demyelinating diseases of SSS, somatoform and dissociative disorders, sexual dysfunction, extrapyramidal disorders, medications used to treat Parkinson´s, pervasive developmental disorders.
LAB1 (PAT) FAQ disease pathology.
Sleep disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, hypnosedatives drugs, aging, genetics, pain, peripheral fascial paralysis, headaches."
Preparatory work for the course 31
32 |
"CNS, metabolic disorders, substance abuse, narcotic analgesics and antagonists.
Fundus examination and skill Otoscope.
Pharmacology Laboratory.
Komjenital muscle diseases, muscle diseases, pathology, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, motor neuron disease, intracranial tumors, tumor pathology of the nervous system santaral, psychosomatic TIP-KLP, knockout attention hyperactivity disorder, myasthenia and myasthenic syndromes, hearing loss, vertigo, neuroleptics, peripheral diseases of the nervous system."
Preparatory work for the course 32
33 |
"Independent Study.
Central nervous system imaging techniques, posture and gait disorders.
Fundus examination and skill Otoscope.
Pharmacology Laboratory.
Spinal trauma, disc herniation, spinal stenosis, central nervous system stimuli, ganglion blockers, spinal and peripheral nerve tumors, peripheral nerve tumors.
LAB3-4-5 (PAT), CNS tumors.
LAB (PAT Pathology freelance work
Practical Examination Committee
Theoretical Examination Committee."
Preparatory work for the course 33
34 |
Orthopedic semptomşlar-I and II, musculoskeletal diseases, symptoms, clinical evaluation of plasma enzymes, hand injuries, fractures and dislocations, general knowledge about developmental dislocation of the hip, criminal cases, assessment, reporting, and the responsibility of the physician in medical applications, spine diseases, login, tumor markers, burns, fracture healing, fracture complications, vertebral deformity, Basic Principles of Medical Ethics 1: respect for life, providing the benefit, do no harm.
Preparatory work for the course 34
35 |
"Extremity soft tissue injuries, illness, suffering and healing, the patient education., Connective tissue diseases, pathophysiology, pathology, diseases of connective tissue.
Determination of Elastic Bandage Making Skills Practice Skills-fracture dislocation.
Classification and diagnostic methods of arthritis, back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatic diseases Nonarticular, crystal arthropathies, reactive arthritis."
Preparatory work for the course 35
36 |
"LAB1 (PAT) pathology of the skeletal system, skeletal system, nuclear medicine, aseptic necrosis, spondyloarthropathies, rheumatoid arthritis, congenital deformities, primary health care, diagnostic methods used in the first application.
Panel: Bone and joint infections.
Family medicine, risk management, evidence-based medicine (EBM) Introduction and general concepts, philosophy, medicine, research, research, research the types and values ??of types of evidence, oncologic approach to bone and soft tissue tumors, congenital deformities, ikimleler ethics, the principles of family medicine, topical anesthetics.
Independent Study.
Neuromuscular block, the drugs, osteoporosis, biochemical examples and sources of error."
Preparatory work for the course 36