Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Communıcatıon

General Information

Communication Studies Department has three sub departments as: Media Studies, Society and Communication, Intercultural Communication. Students of the Department of Communication Studies will have a unique point of view for solving the problems of social communication for social interest, providing an ideal interdisciplinary, critical and theoretical knowledge with the means of the appropriate communication medium. Communication Studies degree serves in an enlarged field of Communication and Media Studies. Communication Faculties in Turkey, which are usually structured according to communication tools and media departments (Radio-TV-Film, Journalism, Advertising, Public Relations, etc.) all, have their academic infrastructure in the field of Communication Studies. Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, History, Art, Philosophy and Linguistics are the main supportive areas. Universal values of ideas and freedom of expression make the education of Communication Studies inevitable for a better understanding of social communication in a mediated world.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

Communication Sciences is a field of social science that carries out communication research. It tries to explain the relations between theoretical knowledge and practical life in an interdisciplinary and critical manner, from everyday life to social relations and media. It analyses the background and mentality structures of communication environments in this broad field. The increasing importance of communication today has led to the recognition of the training of effective communicators as a speciality. The Communication Sciences programme is a popular field for young people who want to become communication specialists and offers a basic academic education at the undergraduate level to enable societies to communicate accurately, validly and fairly. Çukurova University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Communication Sciences, started undergraduate education in 2012-2013 academic year and gave its first graduates in 2016. Within the Institute of Social Sciences, there are also interdisciplinary Master's and Doctorate Programmes titled ‘Communication Studies’.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff



The field of Communication Sciences constitutes the academic infrastructure of the departments (Radio-TV-Cinema; Journalism, Advertising, Public Relations, etc.) which are generally structured according to communication tools and media in Communication Faculties in Turkey. Communication Sciences education, on the other hand, feeds on the accumulation of ideas and expressions produced in basic fields such as Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, History, Art, Philosophy, Linguistics, and aims to understand the functioning of human communication at interpersonal, interpersonal, interpersonal, intercultural and international levels and, more importantly, to produce it more effectively for the benefit of human and society.


To be employed in various fields with an interdisciplinary understanding in the field of communication, and to train communication professionals and academicians such as communication consultants, communication experts, moderators, who can competently use the technologies appropriate to the requirements of the age, to catch the innovation and education standards in the examples abroad; Due to the responsibility of being the only undergraduate programme that is active among the State Universities in Turkey, Ç.Ü Faculty of Communication, Communication Sciences programme also cares about the objectives for the development of the related field.

Specific Admission Requirements

Placement through a centralized national university placement examination (ÖSYS).

Qualification Awarded

The students who have successfully accomplished this program get the bachelor's degree of Communication Studies.

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

The students who have successfully accomplished all lectures in this programme. A total of 240 ECTS courses are required. General Norm Average must be at least 2.00. Must have completed internship.

Access to Further Studies

The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to graduate studies in their own area or related area if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the regulations of "Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee", and master programmes of other universities which includes academic personnel and postgraduate education entrance exam, general point of average, and the interview.


Compulsory internship for a total of 20 days at governmental, private institutions as well as at NGOs and universities.She must have documented that she has successfully completed her internship and received occupational safety training from the ILT 416 Internship Evaluation and Occupational Safety course.

Applied Course

ILT 403 Workshops I given in the 7th Semester and ILT 414 Workshops II courses given in the 8th Semester as a continuation of this course are graduation project courses and these courses are applied courses. Apart from the graduation project in the program, there are applied courses such as Computer Applications for Media, Community Service Applications, Photography Applications, Public Relations Plans and Applications and Health Communication Applications.

Work Placement

Due to the nature of the undergraduate program applied in the department, applied methods such as internship, field research and workshops are emphasized. In addition, in order to graduate, students must have successfully completed the ILT 416 Internship Evaluation and Occupational Safety course and documented that they have completed their internship and received occupational safety training.

Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Double major program with the department of Economics since 2014. In addition, student and academic staff exchange programs are carried out within the framework of Erasmus, Mevlana and Farabi programs.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates are potential candidates for various positions at Media institutions (eg. newspaper agencies, film industries, and other governmental, private institutions as well as at NGOs and universities. Also, various teaching positions at secondary schools for Media Literacy classes may be another option for those who have taken teacher training certificates provided by the ministry of Education.
Update Time: 20.02.2025 01:14