General Information
Department of Civil Engineering was established in 1978 and started education in 1979. Undergraduate program covers the topics of general civil engineering. Since 1992, evening education as well as regular education has been carried out in the department. It has an executive floor and two laboratory buildings. In these two laboratory buildings, there are lab facilities for construction materials; soil mechanics, structural mechanics, and hydraulics and topography which are improving day by day. In particular, theoretical and applied research in structural mechanics, wave mechanics, construction materials, coastal engineering and water structures is being carried out. Besides, Cukurova University, Department of Civil Engineering has the authority to license the "detection of structures under risk" under the law No. 6306.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
4 Year - 240 ECTS
Feature & Definition
To teach advanced level subjects in a chosen field of study to the graduate students of the Department of Civil Engineering; design safe structures that are compatible with the environment and will improve the quality of life of individuals and society; planning, managing and constructing construction works; To educate academicians by doing research and development in the field of Civil Engineering and to train high quality engineers with continuous development in the construction industry.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
To provide the students the skills to apply the advanced knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering especially for solving complex problems in their specialization area, to operate and conduct inter-disciplinary studies and to work with others, in professional and social settings and to organize and participate creative and integrative design activities effectively. To offer advanced level education for engineers for taking part in research and making contributions to research and development in the field of science and technology. To raise scientists in graduate level that has vision, analytic thinking skill and ethical values.
To become one of the best departments of Civil Engineering that follows technological developments and pursues advanced level scientific research, to train Civil Engineers who are critical thinkers possessing leadership skills and capable of interdisciplinary collaboration and who are innovative and can produce original solutions.
Specific Admission Requirements
To have BSc or MSc degree in Civil Engineering Department. To have at least 55 score for a foreign language proficiency taken from national exams or equivalent score taken from international exams accepted by Interuniversity Board (OSYM).To have ALES (Entrance Exam for Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education) with minimum score of 65 (or equivalent GRE score) after garduating from master degree with the thesis and to have at least 80 graduation point in 100 scale for the maste degree incluiding thesis. To have ALES (Entrance Exam for Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education) with minimum score of 80 (or equivalent GRE score) for the candidates who want to apply tothe program after garduating from BSc and to have at least 80 graduation point in 100 scale for Bachelor degree. The candidates with a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree from abroad must have the certificate of equivalence from the Council of Higher Education (YOK). ALES score is valid for 3 years; however, after master degree is completed or the master program is ended by itself, a new ALES point for the candidates who want to apply Master program maximum one semester later is not required. If the graduate score is submitted with respect to 4-point system, this score must be translated to 100-point system according to the score translation table prepared by the Council of Higher Education (YOK)
Qualification Awarded
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
Access to Further Studies
Applied Course
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Work Placement
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
Employment Opportunities