General Information
Divinity Faculty of Çukurova University was established on July 3, 1992. Divinity Faculty admitted the first students in the school year of 1994-1995. Our faculty gives education for four year-license. In our faculty, there is a second program, Department of Teacher of the Religion and Ethics for Primary School, beside DivinityFaculty. There is no preparatory year in our undergraduate program. Divinity Faculty consists of the main three academic departments. The first one is Department of the Basic Islamic Sciences: Tafsir, Hadis, Divinity, Islamic Law, Islamic Sects, Tasawwuf, and Arabic Language and Rhetoric. The second one is Department of the Philosophical and Religious Sciences: Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Logic, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, and Religious Education. The third one is Department of Islamic History and Arts: Islamic History, Turkish-Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Turkish-Religious Music. And our faculty publishes a national peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Divinity Faculty of Çukurova University, two issues a year from 2001.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
4 Year - 240 ECTS
Feature & Definition
The Faculty of Divinity is composed of three sections in terms of academic structuring. The Department of Basic Islamic Sciences consist of departments of Tafsir, Hadith, Kalam, Islamic Law, History of Islamic Sects, Sufism, Arabic Language and Rhetoric . The Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences consist of departments of Philosophy of Religion, Logic, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Religious Education and History of Religions. Department of Islamic History and Arts consists of departments of Islamic History, History of Turkish-Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Turkish Religious Music.
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Doç. Dr. Serkan ÇELİKAN
Orientation Staff
To train religious officials who are scientifically qualified, intellectual, follow developments, have contemporary values and exemplary personality traits, and make researches in the fields of Islamic History and Arts, together with the intersection points of Basic Religious Sciences in the field of Theology, as well as social fields such as Psychology, Education, Sociology, and Philosophy, Adopting the principle of educating religious scholars, thus giving a versatile and broad perspective to religion, contributing to the explanation and interpretation of the interaction of religion in all areas of social, cultural, historical and human interest, it aims to educate scientists, teachers and religious officials, respecting the rule of law for its students, to be egalitarian, scientific and critical, open to development and change, sensitive and responsible, as personality and thought traits.
It is to raise individuals who are open to all kinds of innovations that will be beneficial to people in order to understand, interpret and explain religion with scientific methods based on its basic sources, who have internalized their religious heritage, and who are beneficial to the society by offering their knowledge and experience to the service of humanity.
Specific Admission Requirements
Placement through a centralized national university placement examination (ÖSYS). Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM) is responsible to place students according to their ÖSYS scores.
Qualification Awarded
The students who have successfully accomplished this program gain the bachelor's degree of Divinity.
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
Access to Further Studies
The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to graduate studies in same field or related areas if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the regulations of "Çukurova University Graduate Education and Examination Committee", which includes ALES, general point of average, and the interview.
Those who want to be a teacher should take a teaching practice course in order to develop their professional skills in the schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education.
Applied Course
Bu programda uygulamalı ders bulunmamaktadır.
Work Placement
Those who want to be a teacher should take a teaching practice course in order to develop their professional skills in the schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
We do not have double major and minor program
Employment Opportunities
Those who complete the program of Divinity may become Religious Culture and Moral Education Teacher and İmam Hatip Vocational Courses Teacher in İmam-Hatip Secondary and High Schools, depending on the Ministry of National Education; Depending on the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Religious Affairs, they can be muezzin, imam, Quran Course Tutors, Preachers in Mosques or Mufti in cities. They can work as academicians in the faculties of theology and Islamic sciences.