Bachelor's Degree - Faculty Of Educatıon

General Information

The Department of Philosophy Group Education is a combination of Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and Logic disciplines and also receives support from Educational Sciences. In other words, it is a multidisciplinary structure. The staff of the department consists of three Professors, one Associate Professor, one Assit. Professor, one Lecturer and one Doctor Research Assistant. Research topics of faculty members working in the department; social science education including philosophy, logic, psychology, sociology and politics; implicit programming, cultural and historical thinking, human rights and critical thinking, and the media, aid services, educational structures, multiculturalism and socio-cultural change.

Length of Programme & Number of Credits

4 Year - 240 ECTS

Feature & Definition

The Philosophy Group Teaching Program consists of the combination of four sub-disciplines. Under the "philosophy group" term there are sociology, psychology, logic and philosophy disciplines. During the academic education, the basic discussions of these disciplines on the one hand and their integration with secondary education on the other hand are taken into consideration. Therefore, it is necessary to add "educational sciences" to these fields. The program consists of basic and elective courses. Such a distinction has been made in order for both people to maintain their self-skills and interests, so that they can specialize in a certain field, and to develop an awareness of responsibility. Although the program consists of various fields, it is still believed that a certain specialization with a focus on philosophy, sociology or psychology can be achieved. For this reason, it is considered very important to maintain the elective courses in a consistent manner to deepen in one of these three areas.

Mode of Study

Full Time

Head of Department


ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator


Erasmus Coordinator


Internship Coordinator


Orientation Staff

Arş. Gör. Dr. Ömer KIZILTAN


The main purpose of our department is to train individuals who can follow new knowledge and approaches in the field of philosophy group education and training, have sufficient knowledge in the fields of philosophy, sociology, psychology, and can reconcile their education with current problems and with the researcher characteristics required by the scientific perspective.


To train philosophy group teachers in high schools and equivalent schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. In addition, with a guidance certificate, they receive an education at a level to be able to work as a guidance teacher in private schools and private teaching institutions.

Specific Admission Requirements

Placement through a central national university placement examination (ÖSYS). Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) is responsible for placing students according to their ÖSYS scores.

Qualification Awarded

Bachelor's degree in Philosophy Group Education

Level of Qualification


Qualification Requirements of Graduation

To be successful in this program, students are required to successfully complete all the courses to meet a minimum of 240 ECTS credit requirement and have a minimum of GPA of 2.00/4.00. 

Access to Further Studies

The graduates of this program are eligible to apply for admission to graduate studies in Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology Education and related area if they pass the evaluation process designated according to the regulations.


There is a total of 1 year internship period in two semesters. Internship places are high schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education.

Applied Course

Practical courses are intended to test the theoretical knowledge learned.

Work Placement


Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities

Recognition of previous formal (formal) learning in Turkish Higher Education Institutions, vertical, horizontal and transfers within the university "Regulation on the Principles of Transfer between Associate Degree and Undergraduate Degree Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfers" determined by the Council of Higher Education carried out under the Students studying at Çukurova University may be exempt from certain courses within the framework of certain regulations. If the content of the course taken at another institution is in accordance with the content of the course given at Çukurova University and it is approved by the relevant faculty/institute/school directorate, the student may be exempted from this course.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates can work as a teacher of high school in Department of the Ministry of Education (MEB). Also when taking a certificate of psychological counseling and guidance, graduates can work as a guidance counselor in private schools, private training centers and college. After completing 4-years becholar´s degree, graduates can take master´s and doctoral degree in the field of Philosophy, Sociology and Education. Then they can upgrade their careers, and they can be a part of higher education institutions.
Update Time: 03.10.2022 02:15