General Information
Real Estate and Real Estate Management Program started education under the Wholesale and Retail Sales Department with regular education in the 2012-2013 academic year. As in many developed and developing countries, the real estate market (real estate) is important to the Turkish economy in terms of both the added value it creates and the employment it creates. provides contributions. However, the rapid population growth observed in our country over the years, families divided as a result of cultural changes, the phenomenon of urbanization, the increase in the income level and the increase in the living standard have made the real estate sector one of the prominent sectors in commercial life. However, despite this rapid development and growth in the sector, it is an important pillar of the sector. As well as the human factor that will implement the marketing components of the real estate, which is the output of the sector, in the supply-demand balance in the most modern way, well-equipped and knowledgeable personnel should be brought to the sector. When we look at the studies on the sector, it seems that people from all walks of life can do this job as a profession, and many employers in the sector have not received training about the sector. At this point, real estate and property management associate degree programs that train educated personnel for the sector gain importance. With the legal regulations that have been made and are being made, it is obligatory for the entrepreneurs who will operate in this field to have received training on this subject. In this sense, in a way to meet the human resources needs of the sector, modules based on the competencies that will directly meet the needs of the sector are tried to be presented to the students in our department quickly with modern education approaches.
Length of Programme & Number of Credits
2 Year - 120 ECTS
Feature & Definition
In the Program, Students have get two year education after high school. Student have to be succeed all courses in program
Mode of Study
Full Time
Head of Department
ECTS / Course Catalog Coordinator
Erasmus Coordinator
Internship Coordinator
Orientation Staff
Real estate and real estate management associate degree program aims to train staff equipped with professional knowledge who closely follow the requirements of the age, who are needed by the real estate industry, to provide students with the ability to conduct real estate valuation studies in the light of scientific methods, to market, manage and service real estate.
To be a privileged program to train qualified level of knowledge and skills which can apply the requirements of the profession at the highest level intermediate staff.
Specific Admission Requirements
For Program, Turkish and Foreign student should have general conditions for accepted
Qualification Awarded
Associate degree
Level of Qualification
Qualification Requirements of Graduation
The student must have succeeded in all the courses in the program and must not have a grade of FF, FG, NA, UB. In this program, the student must provide at least 120 ECTS credits and have a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
Access to Further Studies
Candidates who have successfully completed Associate Degree education can continue their undergraduate programs provided that they have obtained a valid grade from the vertical transition exam.
students have to complete vocational training which last 30 days
Applied Course
Practical lessons are included in the curriculum of this program.
Work Placement
In this program, workplace training is not applied.
Double Major, Additional Major & Exchange Possibilities
It is possible to study two main branches.
Employment Opportunities
Graduates of the program, National real estate directorate, General Directorate of agricultural reform, Land registry cadastre directorate, real estate directorate of municipalities, similar public institutions and organizations, private sector Real estate companies and offices, Construction companies, Banks, Insurance companies, Real estate investment trust companies, Housing development and Real estate appraisal expert, real estate consultant. They also have the opportunity to open their own business.