Biophysics (with Thesis)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Medıcal Scıences

2023 - 2024 Year Course Catalog

Code Name Term Duration (T+A) ECTS National Credit C/E
BFZ503 Using the Experimental Animal models in Biophys... Fall and Spring 2-2 4 3 Elective
BFZ504 Intracellular Potential Measurement Techniques Fall and Spring 2-2 4 3 Elective
BFZ506 Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics of th... Fall and Spring 2-2 5 3 Elective
BFZ508 Sensory Biophysics Fall and Spring 2-0 4 2 Elective
BFZ509 Error Calculations and Analysis of Experimental... Spring 2-2 6 3 Elective
BFZ512 Optical Microscope Physics Fall and Spring 3-2 5 2 Elective
BFZ513 Flourescence imaging techniques in the cell Fall and Spring 3-2 5 2 Elective
BFZ530 Medical electronics and enstrumantation-1 Fall and Spring 2-2 7 3 Elective
BFZ540 Basic Biophysics Concepts and Methods Spring 2-2 6 3 Elective
BFZ542 Bioelectricity-1 (Z) Fall and Spring 2-2 5 3 Elective
BFZ543 Extracellular potentials-1 Spring 2-2 5 3 Elective
BFZ547 Biomechanical and bioelectrical properties of s... Fall and Spring 2-2 5 3 Elective
BFZ551 Advanced use of computers in medicine Fall and Spring 2-4 5 4 Elective
BFZ552 Basic Muscle Biophysics Spring 2-2 5 4 Elective
BFZ553 Measurement and Recording of Mechanical Activit... Spring 2-2 5 3 Elective
BFZ500 Cell and tissue biophysics-1 Fall and Spring 2-3 7 2 Compulsory
BFZ502 Cell and tissue biophysics-2 Fall and Spring 2-2 6 3 Compulsory
BFZ510 Basic data analysis techniques in biophysics (Z) Fall and Spring 2-2 7 3 Compulsory
BFZ520 Basic biophysical techniques and methods (Z) Spring 2-2 6 3 Compulsory
BFZ522 Fundamental Data Analyzes in Biophysics-2 (Z) Fall and Spring 2-3 6 2 Compulsory
BFZ560 Measurements of membrane potantials with sucros... Fall and Spring 2-2 7 3 Compulsory
BFZ710 Special area courses Spring 5-0 5 0 Compulsory
BFZ715 Seminar (Z) Fall and Spring 0-0 3 0 Compulsory
BFZ730 Thesis Spring 0-0 25 0 Compulsory