Occupational Health and Safety (without Thesis) (Evening Education) (Interdisciplinary)

Master's Degree - Instıtute Of Natural And Applıed Scıences

2024 - 2025 Year Course Catalog

Code Name Term Duration (T+A) ECTS National Credit C/E
İGT003 Occupational Safety Legislation Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0040 Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT005 Personal Protective Equipment and Correct Usage Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0051 Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT006 Occupational Accidents and Prevention Methods Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT007 Radiation and Radiation Protection I Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT009 Occupational Safety in Industrial Measurement Techniques and Measurement Elements I Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT010 Radiation and Radiation Protection II Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0109 Occupational Safety in Clothing and Production Machines Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0111 Work Study and Work Safety Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0112 Psychosocial Risk Factors Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0113 Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0114 Occupational Hazards in Food Industry Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0116 Occupational safety in Aquaculture Farms Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0118 Occupational Safety in Clothing and Production Machines Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0120 Workplace Environment Conditions and OccupationalSafety Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT0122 Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT019 Chemical Risk Factors Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT022 Work safety in livestock enterprises Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT025 Biological Risk Agents Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT026 Work Hygiene in Environmental Facilities and Laboratories Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT027 Fire and Security Systems Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT028 Safety Work in Closed Areas Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT030 Risk Assessment in Heavy Industrial Facilities - SEVESO Procedure Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT032 Laboratory Safety and Hygiene in Biotechnology Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT033 Occupational Safety Risk Analysis in Aquaculture Production Plants Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT035 Occupational Safety in Textile Industry Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT036 Risk Analysis II Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT037 İndustrial hygiene Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT038 Applied Statistics in Occupational Safety Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT039 Occupational Safety Practice and Management Systems in Food Industry Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT042 Chemical Risk Factors Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT043 Laboratory Safety and Hygiene in Biotechnology Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT045 Occupational Safety in Motor Vehicles Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT046 Physical Risk Factors II Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT048 Occupational Safety at Ore Processing Facilities-2 Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT049 Risk analysis Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT050 Occupational Safety in Electrical Facilities Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT052 Occupational Safety in Prosessing and Analysis Laboratuary of Agricultural Products Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT053 Physical Risk Factors I Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT054 Safety Training and Communication at Work Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT055 Occupational Safety at Mineral Processing Plants-I Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT057 Occupational Safety in Energy Production Facilities Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT058 Occupational Safety in Transportation Systems Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT059 Occupational Safety in Agriculture Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT060 Earthquake Concept and Its Analysis Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT061 Physical Risk Factors in Education Sector Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT066 Occupational Safety Aplications in Medical Geology II Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT070 Occupational Safety in Textile Industry Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT072 Occupational Safety in Industrial Measurement Techniques and Measurement Elements II Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT073 Natural Disasters with Geological Origin Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT077 Occupational Safety Practices in Medical Geology -I Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT089 Occupational Safety in Laboratories Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT091 Applied Statistics in Occupational Safety Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT092 Ventilating and Air Conditioning Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT095 Fundamentals of risk evaluation reporting with case studies for different sectors Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT096 Evaluation of Ergonomic Risk Factors in Selected Case Studies Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT097 Pesticides for labor security I Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT098 Safety and Risk Management in Machinery Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT099 Occupational Diseases Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT100 Pesticides for labor security II Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT101 Labour Law Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT103 Occupationalsafety in Geotechnical Applications Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT104 Labour law Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT105 Occupational safety in geological investigations- I Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT106 Occupationalsafety in Geotechnical Applications -II Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT107 Work safety in livestock enterprises-I Fall 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT108 Occupational safety in geological investigations- II Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT110 Work safety in livestock enterprises-II Spring 3-0 7 3 Elective
İGT081 Term project Fall 1-0 20 1 Compulsory
İGT082 Term Project Spring 1-0 20 1 Compulsory